Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng

Book on late Party General Secretary Trọng highlighted in Seoul
A talk featuring Korean author Cho Chul-hyeon's book on late Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng has been held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea (RoK).
  • Memories of old classmate on the General Secretary
    In the recollections of his old classmate, journalist and photographic artist Chu Chí Thành, who was a war correspondent for Vietnam News Agency, General Secretary Trọng emerges as a paradox – outwardly slow-paced, soft-spoken and with a gentle gait, yet harbouring an unwavering will – a lifetime commitment to serving the people and the nation.
  • Memories of his old classmate on the General Secretary
    In the recollections of his old classmate, journalist and photographic artist Chu Chí Thành, who was a war correspondent for the Vietnam News Agency, General Secretary Trọng emerges as a paradox – outwardly slow-paced, soft-spoken and with a gentle gait, yet harbouring an unwavering will – a lifetime commitment to serving the people and the nation.