Heartfelt farewells as soldiers departed from disaster-struck Làng Nủ
24/09/2024 23:24
Here are some photos capturing the moment the soldiers bid farewell to grateful locals before returning to base.
LÀO CAI — Following a 14-day deployment to assist in the search for victims in the disaster-hit Làng Nủ Village, Phúc Khánh Commune, Bảo Yên District, in the mountainous province of Lào Cai, nearly 400 soldiers from the military units from the 98th Regiment of the 316th Division under the Military Region 2 concluded their mission on Tuesday and returned to base.
A sudden flash flood on September 10 decimated the village in the deadliest incident in the aftermath of super typhoon Yagi. 33 households were buried under tonnes of mud and soil, 55 people were killed and 14 people were injured.
12 victims remain missing.
Local rescue teams will now continue the search efforts until September 30, before consultation with the locals about the next steps.— VNS
Làng Nủ's villagers share their homemade chưng cakes with the soldiers as a farewell gesture. — VNA/VNS Photos
An elderly woman offers a chưng cake to a soldier.
Two soldiers huge a child before they depart.
Bảo Yên District's Party Secretary Hoàng Quốc Bảo expresses his gratitude to the soldiers for their dedicated efforts in the search and rescue operations.
The soldiers gather at Làng Nủ's cultural house before departing.
The soliders greet Làng Nủ's villagers prior to their departure.
Many villagers follow to see off the soldiers as they withdraw from Làng Nủ.
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By Tuesday afternoon, doctors confirmed that all 20 children were stable, though they would remain at the hospital under observation for the next 24 to 72 hours.
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