Thang said that Vietnamese businesses need to thoroughly study the Food Safety and Security Act 2025 (FSSA), which was passed by the Singapore Parliament on January 8, to ensure compliance with relevant regulations in their import and export activities to the Singaporean market.
The act was designed to consolidate laws and refresh existing food-related laws, while also adapting its agrifood system to climate change and the advancement of novel foods.
The FSSA consolidates Singapore’s existing food-related acts into a unified framework and aims to address food safety issues by requiring importers and licensable food businesses to obtain a permit. It also requires food traders to keep records for traceability and recalls, and food and feed businesses to develop a ‘Control Plan’, and outlines strategies for achieving food safety. It will also establish a regulatory framework for pre-market approval of “defined food”, and increase the maximum penalties for violations.
The safety protocols will be implemented in phases to allow businesses time to adapt. Regulations for “defined food” are expected to be rolled out by the end of 2025, with full implementation of other provisions are scheduled to begin in 2028.