Both written and directed by Duong Dieu Linh, the Hanoi-based film follows a housewife who uses voodoo in an attempt to get her cheating husband to fall back in love with her, but instead accidently invites a mysterious presence into the house.
It explores recurring themes of womanhood, family relations, and cultural traditions, all of which are told with a quirky sense of humour and making use of magical realism.
Linh’s feature film debut is also a companion piece to her award-winning short film series about middle-aged women, including “A Trip to Heaven”, “Sweet, Salty”, and “Mother, Daughter, Dreams”.
Held annually in Venice, the film festival is the world's oldest and one of the Big Five International film festivals worldwide, alongside the Big Three European Film Festivals, the Toronto Film Festival in Canada, and the Sundance Film Festival in the United States.
These festivals are all internationally renowned for giving creators the artistic freedom to express themselves through film.
In 1951, the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) formally accredited the Venice Film Festival. This year marks the 81st edition of the festival.