Vietnam hosts 43rd session of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations

VOV| 05/08/2024 16:57

The 43rd session of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA) Executive Board and an international conference on the role and contributions of UNESCO movements to the cultural industries were held on August 5, in Ha Long city, the northern province of Quang Ninh.

This is a particularly important international event hosted by the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations (VFUA), drawing the participation of 40 representatives from member countries such as China, the Republic of Korea (RoK), Japan, Italy, Greece, Kazakhstan, and Romania alongside hundreds of delegates from cultural, educational and scientific agencies and organizations in Vietnam.

In his speech, Nguyen Xuan Thang, President of the Vietnam Federation of UNESCO Associations, ex-officio member of the Executive Board of the WFUCA emphasized that this conference will mark a new development step of the non-governmental UNESCO movement worldwide, creating new conditions to enhance cooperation and exchange between UNESCO associations and clubs of member countries, together aiming for more programs and actions across multiple fields such as education, science, culture, information and communication according to UNESCO's pure humanitarian ideology for the common goal of humanity.

A notable highlight of this year's conference was that the delegates shared experience and discussed the role of cultural industries and the creative economy in promoting economic growth, creating livelihoods and preserving cultural heritage.

Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, vice chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education, and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association Le Quoc Minh

emphasized that in the Government's strategy, culture is identified as an economic spearhead. This is a new entity, requiring every citizen and manager to change their thinking.

He applauded Quang Ninh’s efforts in promoting the value of Hạ Long Bay - a UNESCO-recognised World Natural Heritage - for tourism development.

At the meeting, the WFUCA Executive Board and member states reported their operation outcomes in the 2023-2024 period, and approved the supplementations and amendments of the WFUCA Charter. They also elected leaders of the federation in the new tenure and discussed the preparations for the 44th session.

Concluding the event, member states released a Hạ Long Declaration on creative economy - connecting culture for peace and sustainable development.

The session is expected to make positive contributions to building the future of the cultural industry in Vietnam, reaffirming the role and persistent efforts of the VFUA after decades of tireless contributions to boosting the development of the cultural industry, creating a favorable environment for international cooperation, especially affirming the role of the country in protecting and promoting human cultural values.

The WFUCA Executive Board session is held annually to promote global education, science, culture and communication. This year, hosted by the VFUA, the 43rd session has become an important forum to discuss and shape activities in a multitude of fields around the world.

The Cultural Values Council of the VUFA awarded certificates of merit and recognition to individuals and organizations with outstanding contributions to UNESCO movements and promoting cultural heritage values in their fields of operation.

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    Vietnam hosts 43rd session of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations