Vietnam helps Laos to develop irrigation systems

VOV| 25/06/2024 17:53

Vietnam on June 25 handed over four new irrigation systems using non-refundable aid from the Vietnamese Government to Laos.

Construction of the US$6.63 million project began in Anouvong and Thathom districts of Xaysomboun province in late 2022 and was completed seven months ahead of schedule.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Governor of Xaysomboun province Phoykham Houngboungnuang noted that it is a newly established province that continues to face a number of difficulties in infrastructure development, especially works which serve agricultural production.

The provincial authority will enhance their management capacity to ensure the most effective and long-term use of systems, contributing to local socio-economic development, he stressed.

A representative of the Laos-Vietnam Cooperation Committee also highly appreciated the construction process, saying that these systems will serve agricultural production in the two districts, further facilitating the production of commodities to gradually eliminate poverty faced by local residents.

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Vietnam helps Laos to develop irrigation systems