Video capturing technological contributions awarded first prize

05/06/2024 14:08

A one-minute clip about young people using technology to spread happiness and positivity in life has won first prize at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) photo and video clip contest.

Video capturing technological contributions awarded first prize

05/06/2024 14:08

A one-minute clip about young people using technology to spread happiness and positivity in life has won first prize at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) photo and video clip contest.

Director General of VNA Vũ Việt Trang (second from right) and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association Lê Quốc Minh (centre) present first prizes to three winners at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) contest. VNA/VNS Photo Minh Quyết

HÀ NỘI A one-minute clip about young people using technology to spread happiness and positivity in life has won first prize at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) photo and video clip contest.

The short clip, also titled Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim by Vũ Hồng Vân from Hà Nội, was announced as one of three contest winners at its awards ceremony at the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) headquarters yesterday.

The contest, the first of its kind focusing on the theme of advanced technology, has been running since January 1 by the VNA in collaboration with Viettel Group.

It aims to spread beautiful images and meaningful messages about humanistic values brought to life by technology. By honouring the science and technology community, including people of all ages and professions, the awards are expected to help build a digital society where citizens can enjoy modern and safe technology in a digital space.

By April 30, the Technology with Heart awards had received 1,700 photos and 87 video entries. This included 614 single photos and 144 series, each of which contains from five to eight photos.

According to the organisers, most of the submitted works closely adhered to the theme. The contestants have been able to creatively express moments in which technology was applied to daily life and activities in various areas, such as healthcare, education, industry and agriculture, among others.

Notably, the entries were filmed and captured from all across the country - from the mountainous regions to the plains, from urban centres to rural areas and even the islands and coastal regions.

The organising committee utilised technology to develop an online platform for receiving and evaluating competition entries. This allowed contestants from anywhere to submit and adjust their entries at any time, and also facilitated work for members of the judgement panel.

After several judging rounds, the organisers presented awards to 32 works - including three first prizes - and display another 29 at the awards ceremony.

Besides Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim by Vũ Hồng Vân in the video clip category, the other two first prizes were awarded to the photo Đam Mê Sáng Tạo Robot (Passion for Creating Robots) by Trần Văn Hiếu from Hà Nội and photo series Khơi Thông Dòng Giao Thông TP. Hồ Chí Minh (Unclogging Traffic in Ho Chi Minh City) by Ngô Thị Thu Ba from HCM City.

Photo Đam Mê Sáng Tạo Robot (Passion for Creating Robots) by Trần Văn Hiếu from Hà Nội wins first prize at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) contest. VNA/VNS Photo

Vân said she felt a great honour to have her work win first prize.

Her one-minute video showed technology helping two people with disabilities find love and get married, both striving to have a better life and inspiring others with their story via social media.

“From the virtual world, genuine positive energy has been spread, which is also a way to 'defeat the bad with the good' on social media. That is the reason I titled my work Technology from the Heart to participate in these awards,” Vân said.

Director General of VNA and Chairwoman of the Awards Council, Vũ Việt Trang, speaks at the Công Nghệ Từ Trái Tim (Technology with Heart) awards ceremony. VNA/VNS Photo Minh Quyết

Speaking at the ceremony, Director General of VNA and Chairwoman of the Awards Council Vũ Việt Trang highly valued the winning pieces.

She said they have explored the representative and humanistic perspectives brought by scientific and technological achievements. These are works that have touched the emotions of the viewers with simple storytelling and impressive images, she added.

"The works have once again shown that technology is not only an indispensable part of life, but also brings people closer together and connects them with love. This is also the message that the VNA and Viettel Group wish to convey widely to the general public," she noted.

Winning artworks are being exhibited at the VNA headquarters at 5 Lý Thường Kiệt Street until June 6 and at the virtual gallery VNS

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    Video capturing technological contributions awarded first prize