Summer sees increased risk of injuries for children

21/06/2024 09:34

Common accidents during the summer include burns from electricity, fuel and chemical burns, drownings, bee stings, snake bites and traffic accidents.

A child injured in a traffic accident receiving treatment at Children's Hospital 2 in HCM City. — VNA/VNS Photo Đinh Hằng

HCM CITY — Despite numerous warnings, each summer witnesses an increase in the number of children being injured and involved in accidents, leading to not just physical problems, but also psychological impacts.

Dr. Lê Hải Lợi from the Emergency Department at HCM City's Children's Hospital 2 said that child accidents occur year-round, but typically increase during the summer.

On average, the hospital handles two to three child injury cases daily, including traffic accidents, drownings, falls from climbing and bites from snakes or insects.

Recently, Children's Hospital 1 in HCM City admitted an eleven-year-old girl from Kiên Giang Province who was bitten by a venomous snake.

According to her family, on June 6, she was bitten on the right ankle by a snake in the garden.

She became drowsy and had difficulty breathing, leading to initial treatment at a local hospital before being transferred to Children's Hospital 1.

The hospital has also seen several cases of children being stung by bees since the beginning of summer.

Dr. Nguyễn Minh Tiến, deputy director of the hospital, noted that summer is a time when children are on vacation, travelling, returning to their hometowns and may not be closely supervised by their families.

Common accidents during this period include burns from electricity, fuel or chemicals, drownings, bee stings, snake bites and traffic accidents.

Ksor Y Phát, a twelve-year-old boy from Đắk Lắk Province, was electrocuted while climbing onto a roof to retrieve a kite he had been flying with friends. He sustained burns on the lower half of his body.

After initial treatment at a local hospital, Y Phát was transferred to Children's Hospital 2 for further care, including skin grafts.

At the same room in hospital, the nine-year-old Lâm Hạnh Dung from Bình Dương Province was in pain.

Ten days ago, she fell while riding her bicycle at a neighbour's house, knocking over a pot of boiling water, which spilled onto her. She suffered severe burns from her shoulders to her buttocks.

These are just two of many cases of children being treated for injuries at Children's Hospital 2 in HCM City.

Statistics from the Department of Environmental Management, Ministry of Health, show that over 370,000 children under sixteen suffer accidents each year nationwide, resulting in 6,600 fatalities.

In HCM City alone, more than 19,000 cases of child injuries were reported in 2023, with over 8,000 occurring at home.

This means that every day, hundreds of children and adolescents in Việt Nam are injured.

The consequences of such accidents are often severe, doctors said.

For instance, M.T., a twelve-year-old girl from Kiên Giang Province, lost both her legs in a traffic accident, along with other serious injuries.

Rushed to Children's Hospital, she underwent immediate surgery to amputate both hips.

When she woke up, M.T. cried inconsolably, unable to believe she had lost her legs forever and her mother said she is uncertain about her daughter's future now that she is without legs.

In early June, the drowning deaths of two young girls at a swimming pool during a family trip to Quảng Ninh Province shocked many.

While the adults were not paying attention, the girls fell into the pool. They were rushed to the hospital, but both passed away.

Doctors emphasise that the physical and psychological impact of injuries on children is severe and can be fatal and that parents must take responsibility for preventing accidents.

Doctors advise parents to watch their children closely during the summer, teach them to avoid dangerous activities and never leave them home alone or allow them to go out unsupervised.

Parents should equip their children with knowledge on self-protection and basic emergency response skills.

When planning a trip, parents should research potential risks and equip themselves with basic first aid skills in order to deal with any emergencies. — VNS

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    Summer sees increased risk of injuries for children