Tiền Giang mobilises resources for Agent Orange victims

Society – Economy - Ngày đăng : 17:54, 23/10/2024

The Mekong Delta province of Tiền Giang aims to mobilise more resources to support people affected by Agent Orange.


The Association for Victims of Agent Orange or Dioxin in Tiền Giang province this year have mobilised over VNĐ16 billion to give 3,510 gifts. — Photo sggp.org.vn

TIỀN GIANG — The Mekong Delta province of Tiền Giang aims to mobilise more resources to support people affected by Agent Orange.

In the first nine months of 2024, the Association for Victims of Agent Orange or Dioxin in the province have mobilised over VNĐ16 billion (US$629.425) to give 3,510 gifts, build 17 "Agent Orange Homes," donate 51 wheelchairs, and provide free medical examinations, treatments, and medicine to 434 victims.

Tiền Giang Province has 11,427 people affected by Agent Orange. Most of the victims' families are in difficult situations and are in great need of community support and assistance.

Provincial units of the Việt Nam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) have been working with the Fatherland Front Committee and various departments and organisations to encourage philanthropists to support Agent Orange victims.

They have also supported and created livelihoods for member families, helping many Agent Orange victims have the means to produce and earn income.

For example, Trương Văn Thường from Hamlet 3, Mỹ Thành Bắc Commune in Cai Lậy District, has received VNĐ10 million from the Central Association to raise breeding cattle.

In Tân Phú Đông District, Huỳnh Văn Y's household in Bà Lắm hamlet in Phú Thạnh Commune was supported with VNĐ10 million to raise goats and grow lemongrass.

Similarly, Nguyễn Văn Trương from Bãi Bùn hamlet in Phú Thạnh Commune, was supported with VNĐ10 million to develop woodworking and invest in raising chickens, increasing his family’s income.

Apart from caring for victims through social mobilisation, Tiền Giang Province is committed to implementing state support for Agent Orange victims.

Out of the 11,427 people affected, 1,585 receive benefits under the policy for people with meritorious service, and 9,842 receive monthly social protection allowances from the state.

The district-level associations and communes in the province will continue to investigate cases of second-generation victims (F2) who are direct descendants of veterans exposed to toxic chemicals and are eligible for social protection benefits.

According to Trần Thị Quý Mão, chairwoman of the Tiền Giang Provincial Association for Victims of Agent Orange, the Association will continue to improve the quality of its operations.

It will enhance communication and diversify methods of mobilising resources to care for and assist Agent Orange victims.

It will also continue to support impoverished victims with loans for livestock production while advising authorities to ensure that Agent Orange victims qualify for the state’s subsidy policies. — VNS