Girls empowered at Board of Directors meeting

Society – Economy - Ngày đăng : 12:54, 28/09/2024

A total of 33 children from Hà Giang, Lai Châu, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị and Kon Tum provinces on Friday attended a special event called 'Girls Take Over' aimed at empowering girls.
Children pose for a photo at the event. — VNS Photo Thu Trang

HÀ NỘI — A total of 33 children from Hà Giang, Lai Châu, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị and Kon Tum provinces on Friday attended a special event called 'Girls Take Over', aimed at empowering girls to become the next generation of leaders.

The event was held by Plan International, a humanitarian organisation that advances children's rights and equality for girls in over 80 countries, ahead of the second Children's Parliament Mock Session this year.

Participants at 'Girls Take Over' attended a mock meeting of the Board of Directors of Plan International in Việt Nam, including playing the role of the Country Director and other key positions.

At the meeting, six girls were selected to play the role of senior members. They participated in discussions and shared opinions with the organisation's leadership.

The girls raised many practical and profound questions for the leadership of Plan International Việt Nam and other representatives.

Võ Thị Phương Chi, Deputy Head of the Konray District Children's Council in Kon Tum Central Highlands province, who took on the role of the Plan's Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager, proposed solutions to ensure that the needs of children and young people are reflected in different projects.

The topic was discussed enthusiastically at the meeting.

During the session, the children not only experienced leadership roles, but also discussed important issues such as the participation of children and young people in Plan programmes, as well as promoting children’s rights in various projects and children’s right to feedback in development programmes.

A joyful atmosphere covers the event. — Photo courtesy of the Plan International

Migena Shulla, Country Director of Plan International Việt Nam, said, “More than 30 years ago, when I entered university, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to go abroad. But, now, I have lived and worked in four countries with my family.”

Throughout her career, Migena has met many wonderful people who have believed in and supported her on her development path.

“Meeting you today brings me very special emotions. I hope that my story can inspire and help you overcome difficulties. No matter what the circumstances, opportunities always exist, the important thing is that you boldly seek them out and seize them,” she said.

“Always be open, willing to learn and never give up. On the journey of self-development, not only the destination but also every step along the way is precious. I really hope that one day, I will see you standing here, at a similar event, to share your own inspirational stories and bring motivation to other children,” said Migena.

'Girls Take Over' is Plan International’s global initiative to promote gender equality and empower girls and young people to take on leadership roles.

Since its launch in 2016, the campaign has created thousands of events around the world, where girls not only demonstrate their leadership potential but also have a say in shaping the future.

In Việt Nam, the 'Girls Take Over' series of activities has been taking place for many years and has always attracted strong attention from the community.

More than just temporarily empowering girls to take on important roles, the 'Girls Take Over' initiative is also a symbolic move to promote their stronger participation in social issues, especially children's rights and gender equality. — VNS