China, Vietnam bolster cross-border co-operation

Society – Economy - Ngày đăng : 18:44, 30/07/2024

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cross-border co-operation between the Lai Chau Economic Zone Management Board and the administration of Jinping district in Yunnan province in China was signed on July 30 in the northern province of Lai Chau.

Vu Huy Hoa, head of the Lai Chau Economic Zone Management Board, emphasized that the signing aims to effectively implement mutual understandings reached between high-ranking leaders of both nations.

It also aligns with outcomes set out at the fourth conference between the secretaries of four northern Vietnamese provinces, including Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, and Dien Bien and China’s Yunna province. These meetings primarily focused on stepping up linkages across various sectors, including cross-border management and operation.

The collaboration programme between the two sides covers several practical aspects of border management. It seeks to spur forward greater economic development in border areas, facilitate smooth customs procedures, and develop Vietnam’s Ma Lu Thang – China’s Jin Shuihe pair of border gates. The MoU also marks a new phase in terms of the bilateral relationship, aiming for comprehensive and substantive co-operation.

Hoa voiced his hope that both sides will continue to strengthen their traditional friendship and strive to enhance cross-border trade ties, highlighting the importance of effectively implementing the agreed upon co-operation activities and exploring new areas of collaboration for mutual benefit.

He also underlined the need to improve import-export activities and border management, increase trade volumes to match other regional border crossings, and fully utilise the potential of the two borders. Yao Zhi Ming, deputy head of the Jinping administration, expressed his hope that both sides will boost mutual support and trust in the development of their joint efforts, further enhancing multi-sector collaboration.

Under the terms of the document, the Lai Chau board and Jinping administration will exchange quarterly notes to provide updates on customs operations, import-export activities, and border crossing regulations and policies.

Furthermore, both side are set to establish a biannual dialogue mechanism aimed at sharing experiences in border management and utilisation, set up communication channels via hotlines or liaison officers, and amend the MoU's terms based on practical situations which occur.