Vietnamese history books for kids released

Culture - Ngày đăng : 11:55, 04/07/2024

A collection of historical books for children and teenagers by Vietnamese writers have been distributed by the Kim Đồng Publishing House this week.
PROMOTING HISTORY - The Kim Đồng Publishing House has reprinted and distributed many books for children and teenagers to promote the habit of reading among young people. VNSPhoto by Thu Anh.

HCM CITY — A collection of historical books for children and teenagers by Vietnamese writers have been distributed by the Kim Đồng Publishing House this week.

It includes nine books featuring Vietnamese history in different periods under the dynasties of Đinh, Lý, Trần and Lê.

The books were collected and written by well-known authors such as Nghiêm Đa Văn, Ngô Văn Phú and Vũ Ngọc Tiến.

Colour pictures by young artists of Kim Đồng Publishing House are also included.

Highlighted books include author Phú’s Cờ Lau Dựng Nước (The Country), a work on historical events under the Đinh Dynasty.

The work highlights Đinh Bộ Lĩnh (924-979), the first Vietnamese emperor following the liberation of the country from the rule of the Chinese Southern Han Dynasty.

A founder of the Đinh Dynasty, he was a significant figure in the establishment of Vietnamese independence and political unity in the 10th century.

In 968, Đinh Bộ Lĩnh defeated the twelve lords and unified the country. He declared himself King and named the country Đại Cồ Việt. This name remained throughout the Đinh Dynasty (968-980), Early Lê Dynasty (980-1009) and the beginning of Lý Dynasty (1010-1225).

HISTORY FOR KIDS - New books on Vietnamese history targeting young readers are in bookstores. The works have been printed and distributed by the State-owned Kim Đồng Publishing House. Photo courtesy of Kim Đồng Publishing House.

Another is Sừng Rượu Thề (The Oath) by Văn.

The work features General Lý Thường Kiệt, a prominent military leader and politician of Đại Việt - the former name of Việt Nam in the 11th century.

In 1075, Lý Thường Kiệt led his soldiers north to fight a 40-day battle against the Song Dynasty of China and gained victory.

They planted spikes under the Như Nguyệt riverbed and tricked their enemies into the trap. They were victorious, and Đại Việt then completely defeated the invasion of the Song Dynasty’s army.

“We hope our publication will promote the habit of reading among children and young people,” a Kim Đồng representative said. “We are working to provide more Vietnamese titles for readers this year.”

Kim Đồng Publishing House, one of the country's leading printers, has more than 60 years in the industry.

In recent years, it has signed contracts with well-known authors, including young writers, to create books in literature, history and the arts targeting children and teenagers.

It has participated in book fairs and hosted forums and seminars attracting young writers this summer. — VNS