Talented students to compete at 11th Hong Kong music festival

Culture - Ngày đăng : 08:47, 29/05/2024

Vietnamese young students will take part at the 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival (HKIMF) in August from 15 to 21.

Talented students to compete at 11th Hong Kong music festival

29/05/2024 08:47

Vietnamese young students will take part at the 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival (HKIMF) in August from 15 to 21.

Top students are honoured at the Hong Kong International Music Festival's regional final round in Việt Nam. Photo courtesy of the organisers

HÀ NỘI — Vietnamese young students will take part at the 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival (HKIMF) in August from 15 to 21.

The students are the winners from Việt Nam regional finals held in Hà Nội by Polaris Art & Music School.

"The Việt Nam final round is a chance for the young music talents to perform at an international-level festival," said the President of HKIMF in Việt Nam.

The winners were judged by international and Vietnamese artists including Chinese professors Yang Yan Di, Zhao Xiao Hong and violinist Wang Yuan, Russian professor Ivan Mishunin, Bulgarian violist Peter Kutin and Malaysian pianist Ian Goh.

Participating at the HKIMF final round in Hong Kong, the three top students Dương Anh Đức, Giàng A Hảng and Trần Nhật Minh will be performing on the guitar, Chinese woodwinds and on the piano, respectively.

Đức is studying the sixth year at Việt Nam National Academy of Music. He is aToyota scholarship recipient and has been placed at the top at Alma Hà Nội International Competition, the Hannabach Việt Nam International Competition and the Sakurai Hà Nội International Guitar Festival.

Coming from the northern mountainous province of Lào Cai, Giàng A Hảng is studying the bamboo flute at Lào Cai College's Department of Culture and Arts.

Other Vietnamese students on stage in the final qualifying round will be playing the violin, the drums, singing, as a pop band and in the electronic music category in August.

The first HKIMF was in 2013, with about 3,000 participants. This year, the 11th, it is expected that 4,000 musicians will take part with the focus on how music can promote mutual learning, appreciation and respect among music lovers worldwide.