PM requests improvements following mine accident in Quảng Ninh

14/05/2024 16:29

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính wants better and stronger inspections to promptly detect and handle violations related to labour safety, especially in coal mining.

PM requests improvements following mine accident in Quảng Ninh

14/05/2024 16:29

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính wants better and stronger inspections to promptly detect and handle violations related to labour safety, especially in coal mining.

The mining site at the Vinacomin – Quang Hanh Coal Company in Cẩm Phả City, Quảng Ninh northern province where three workers died and a fourth was injured in an accident. — VNA/VNS Photo Bùi Văn Lanh

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính on Tuesday requested stronger, quicker and tougher inspections in the mining industry to detect and handle violations related to labour safety.

He asked for the review following a fatal mine collapse at 3pm on Monday at the Vinacomin – Quang Hanh Coal Company in Cẩm Phả City, the northern province of Quảng Ninh.

The accident killed three workers and injured one.

The PM asked the Quảng Ninh People’s Committee to urgently organise a visit to support the victims’ families and carry out every necessary measure to ensure they are cared for, adding that all efforts should also be made to treat the injured worker.

PM Chính demanded to know what caused the accident, what consequences there were for the mine, how production could be stabilised and how an investigation needed to be started into who was responsible; while strictly dealing with violations (if any) according to legal regulations.

He also asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to work with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises to carefully review regulations, standards, mining processes, pit operations and labour safety, to look at any shortcomings and limitations.

The Chairman of the Việt Nam National Coal – Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (Vinacomin) should urgently look at the consequences of the incident, he said, and promptly provide material and spiritual support to the victims' families.

Vinacomin needed to review all its processes and all stages of mining on site and have immediate solutions according to assigned functions and tasks.


Recent labour accidents have shown problems in ensuring safety for workers, from applying technology to discipline at work.

On April 3, a methane gas fire in a mine in Quảng Ninh Province killed four workers.

Six days later, an explosion at the Phú Lâm Industrial Complex in Bắc Ninh Province killed one person and injured two others.

Nguyễn Anh Thơ, director of the Việt Nam National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, said that the specific characteristics of the coal and mineral industry, including underground working, meant that a large number of workers were engaged in heavy, toxic and dangerous jobs.

To ensure safety in underground mining, the industry has strict regulations for employees while working. However, compliance with safety procedures and regulations in some units is still not prioritised.

In recent years, the coal industry has invested heavily in labour safety and this has led to a significant decrease in accidents. In 2017, the Vinacomin had its lowest number of labour accidents and only 16 deaths.

But recently, the number of serious occupational accidents with deaths and injuries has begun to increase.

Thơ believes that the occupational safety and hygiene management system in the mining industry in general and at Vinacomin in particular, needed a change in thinking and administration.

Enterprises should apply advanced and modern management systems, suited to the new conditions of the mines, as well as the requirements of the Party's policies, the State's laws and the community.

Among them, the most important thing was to change the mindset of investing in occupational safety and hygiene, said Thơ. Ensuring safety for workers is the most effective and sustainable investment for development.

At the same time, he said, the mines needed to lower risks by raising awareness of workers at mineral mines.

In the context of increasingly depleted coal resources, the coal industry is investing in going deeper to mine coal. If it does not truly pay attention to safety and risk assessments, accidents in underground mines will still occur.

Experts believe that the coal industry needs to implement a comprehensive solution, from planning to human resource training. — VNS

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    PM requests improvements following mine accident in Quảng Ninh