Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s valuable books

VOV5| 21/07/2024 10:29

Over the past two years, many books written by General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong have been published.

These valuable books summarize speeches, presentations, and directions of the Party General Secretary, presenting his sharp mind and outstanding political vision on many important issues affecting the country.

Among General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's publications on basic issues in national construction, defense, and development, the 927-page book "Building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture embracing national identity," published on June 21st discusses one of the issues with which the Party leader has profound knowledge and is most passionate and concerned about.

The book selects 92 articles, speeches, talks, notes, interviews, and letters by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on building and developing Vietnamese culture.

With his profound knowledge, General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong has deepened and broadened the basic principles of culture, emphasizing that culture embraces the values, soul, vitality, the strength of the nation.

He stressed the need to develop culture on par with politics, economics, and society, align economic growth with cultural development, improve the cultural life, and to integrate culture deeply into every social aspect, field, and relationship.

The Party leader urged to form and promote the national value system, cultural value system, and family value system as the foundation to promote moral values and the strength of the Vietnamese people.

Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung said, “The book has enormous value, because it is not only a masterpiece of the Party General Secretary's wisdom, but more importantly it is seen as a scientific work, gathering his writings, guidelines, directions, and viewpoints on the nature and characteristics of the Vietnamese culture, on the role and mission of culture as an internal resource for sustainable development, the connection of culture, economics, and politics, the preservation of revolutionary culture, and development of culture in the new era.”

The book “Promoting the tradition of great national unity, building our country richer, stronger, happier, and more civilized" reflects the General Secretary's views on promoting great national unity in the current period.

The book summarizes practices, supplements and elevates theories on the cause of great national unity. It collects and analyzes documents, images, articles, and typical speeches of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong about the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and people of all social strata.

These writings present outstanding ideas and dialectical and practical visions of great national unity with a simple, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-remember style that touches people's hearts.

Huynh Dam, former President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, noted, “Since the beginning, the Party has determined that the revolutionary only succeed by trusting in and relying on the people, promoting the strength of the entire nation, and taking the people as the root. These views have been inherited, promoted, and perfected by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. He affirmed in his speeches that great national solidarity is the decisive factor for the long-lasting victory of the Vietnamese revolution.”

The book "Building and developing a comprehensive, modern Vietnamese diplomacy embracing the identity of the ‘Vietnamese bamboo'" was released on November 21, 2023. It summarizes the core ideologies of Vietnamese foreign affairs and diplomacy throughout thousands of years of history.

Many opinions say the book is the most voluminous, most elaborate, and most vivid work ever, which clarifies the unique and consistent identity of Vietnam's foreign affairs and diplomacy.

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, Le Hoai Trung, said, “This is the first ever book that has systematized the important articles and speeches on foreign affairs of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in different leadership positions. He generalized and developed theory, put forth the ideology on the basis of continuing the traditions of the Vietnamese people and Ho Chi Minh Thought, through theoretical and practical foreign affairs situations, so we can build and develop a comprehensive, modern diplomacy embracing the identity of Vietnamese bamboo.”

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's sharp mind and arguments on foreign policy shown Vietnam’s consistent policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, and diversification, being friend all countries, being an active and responsible member of the international community, being steadfast in ideology, maintaining principles of flexible handling all arising problems, and always firmly grasping national and global situations.

The General Secretary's books on reforming the National Assembly, the fight against corruption, military guidelines, and national defense strategies demonstrate his high intellectual capacity and visionary thinking. These are valuable archives and significant guideline for Vietnam's development in the future.

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    Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s valuable books