Motor vehicle registration establishments requested to accept non-cash payment

11/05/2024 15:19

The VR received complaints about some motor vehicle registration centres in HCM City only accepting payment in cash and not bank transfer.

Motor vehicle registration establishments requested to accept non-cash payment

11/05/2024 15:19

The VR received complaints about some motor vehicle registration centres in HCM City only accepting payment in cash and not bank transfer.

The Việt Nam Register recently received feedback about some motor vehicle registration centres not accepting non-cash payment. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI – The Việt Nam Register (VR) has just issued an official dispatch requesting motor vehicle registration centres nationwide to accept payments in non-cash forms to create better conditions for people and businesses.

The VR received complaints about some motor vehicle registration centres in HCM City only accepting payment in cash and not bank transfer.

This is time-consuming, not convenient for people and businesses and is not consistent with the State's policy of promoting non-cash payments.

In addition, according to Decree No. 30/2023/NĐ-CP of the Government, motor vehicle registration establishments will be temporarily suspended for three months if they make requests or issue procedures that do not stated in the regulations issued by the Ministry of Transport on inspection of technical safety and environmental protection of motor vehicles, causing difficulties for organisations and individuals, and if they refuse to provide motor vehicle inspection services contrary to the provisions of law.

On December 26, 2022, the VR sent a document to motor vehicle registration establishments across the country instructing customers to use payment methods including in cash, by ATM and credit cards or bank transfer.

Therefore, VR requires the establishments, especially the ones in HCM City to urgently implement cashless payment form to create favourable conditions for people and businesses. VNS

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    Motor vehicle registration establishments requested to accept non-cash payment