MOLISA proposes an increase in benefits for revolution contributors

24/06/2024 19:55

The rise is set to take effect on 1 July this year.

Representatives of Bình Phước Province visit and give a gift to Vietnamese heroic mother Trần Thị Lùn in Phước Long Town. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI —The Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs has proposed that the Government issue a decree raising the standard allowance for individuals who contributed to the revolution from VNĐ2.05 million (US$80) to VNĐ2.78 million ($109) per month, an increase of 35.7 per cent.

The adjustment is set to take effect from 1 July this year.

The ministry said the new standard allowance was reported to the Politburo by the Government.

In terms of the nursing care benefits for individuals who contributed to the revolution, within the decree, the ministry submitted the increase to start from 1 January 2025 rather than 1 July this year.

The reasoning is to ensure uniformity in benefit disbursement throughout this year, necessitating the adjustment from the start of 2025.

At a regular meeting of the ministry earlier this month, Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Đào Ngọc Dung said the ministry was focusing on drafting three decrees concerning regional minimum wages, pensions , and payment guidance for contributors and social protection beneficiaries.

Minister of Home Affairs Phạm Thị Thanh Trà also said that according to the Government's proposal, millions of people would receive a 15 per cent increase in pensions and social insurance benefits from 1 July.

The adjustments to pensions, social insurance benefits and allowances for those who contributed to the revolution, were being implemented concurrently to ensure coherence with Resolution No. 28 of the 12th Party Central Committee and current legal regulations, she said.

To facilitate the policies, the Government has requested permission to expand the use of wage reform savings from both central and local budgets.

Beneficiaries of the revolutionary contributor allowances include those who engaged in revolutionary activities before 1 January 1945; those engaged in revolutionary activities from 1 January 1945 to the August Revolution in 1945; martyrs; Vietnamese heroic mothers; heroes of the People’s Armed Forces; labour heroes during the resistance; wounded soldiers and those receiving equivalent benefits; war invalids; individuals affected by toxic chemicals during the resistance; resistance fighters, national defenders and international duty performers captured and imprisoned by the enemy; resistance participants for national liberation, defence and international duty; relatives of revolutionary contributors. — VNS

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    MOLISA proposes an increase in benefits for revolution contributors