Exhibition spotlights images of President Ho Chi Minh on revolutionary press

VNA| 31/08/2024 09:21

A thematic exhibition on the late President Ho Chi Minh as portrayed by Vietnam’s revolutionary press opened at the Ho Chi Minh Museum in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on August 30.

With nearly 130 photos, documents and objects, the exhibition aims to help promote the study and following of President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style among cadres, soldiers and people of all walks of life, especially young people, in the current period.

It is an activity to mark the 79th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19, 1945-2024) and National Day (September 2) and 55th anniversary of the implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament (1969 – 2024).

Le Thuy Chi, the museum’s director, said the exhibition offers an opportunity for the public to learn more about the history of Vietnam's revolutionary press; the journalism career of President Ho Chi Minh and his images on the revolutionary press through each historical period.

Each image, letter, poem and article of him on newspapers reflects the affection and dedication of President Ho Chi Minh for the Vietnamese people and the people's firm trust in him, she added.

Visitors to the exhibition have chance to access many valuable documents such as copies of various newspapers published in Thua Thien - Hue from 1945 - 1975 like the Quyet Thang, Chien Si, Tay Tho, Thong Nhat and Giai Phong.

A collection of articles on President Ho Chi Minh's funeral in 1969 and commemorations on Nhan Dan, Quan Doi Nhan Dan and Ha Noi Moi newspapers are also introduced to the public.

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    Exhibition spotlights images of President Ho Chi Minh on revolutionary press