“Detective Conan” manga series exhibition to delight Hanoi fans for first time

VOV| 22/10/2024 11:57

The first-ever exhibition showcasing the famous Japanese manga series “Detective Conan” is set to come to Hanoi from October 26 to December 25.

Taking place at the headquarters of Kim Dong Publishing House, the exhibition is set to be divided into different spaces for readers to look back at the 30-year journey of the manga series "Famous Detective Conan".

In Conan’s words room, visitors will be able to find quotations which reveal the thoughts and beliefs of the characters.

Furthermore, Conan’s love room will introduce different shades of love, whilst Conan’s mystery room can be considered as a "special section" which collects codes or suicide notes appearing in "Detective Conan". In addition, fans can dig deeper into the extremely complicated relationship with the "Black Organization".

The exhibition will provide opportunities for readers to explore the complex relationships, motivations, and unshakable beliefs of the various characters. It will also delve into Conan's rival, the indispensable character of "Famous Detective Conan" - Kaito Kid, through the justice and magic rooms.

In particular, the memory room will showcase films reviewing the 30-year journey of "Famous Detective Conan". A special room with the theme of “Author Gosho Aoyama’s special gallery” will also display precious early design documents of "Detective Conan".

The exhibition was earlier organised in Ho Chi Minh City from June 29 to August 31.

Vietnam is the first country in the world outside of Japan to organise such an exhibition to mark 30 years of the manga series. After Vietnam, the exhibition will then tour around the Republic of Korea, China, and Thailand.

"Detective Conan" is a beloved detective manga created by Gosho Aoyama. The manga series were first published in 1994 and so far more than 270 million copies have been sold worldwide.

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    “Detective Conan” manga series exhibition to delight Hanoi fans for first time