Da Nang – US cooperation promotion working group launched

VNA| 25/06/2024 19:49

The Da Nang – US cooperation promotion working group was launched in the Vietnamese central city on June 25.

At the ceremony, Standing Vice Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Ho Ky Minh said the event marks a new step in the two sides’ cooperation, adding on the foundation of the Vietnam-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, cooperation between the locality and US partners has been growing in many fields such as economy, culture, education, science and technology.

Minh stressed that over the years, the US has always been an important partner of Da Nang in the fields of investment, trade, and education-training. Its official development assistance (ODA) and non-governmental organisation (NGO) projects have been effectively implemented in the city, contributing to local socio-economic development.

He said the working group plays an important role in connecting businesses of the two sides, handling obstacles to cooperation, and proposing cooperation orientations in the time ahead.

For her part, US Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Susan Burns affirmed that the establishment of the working group demonstrates the two sides' wish to further enhance cooperation, and the exchange of information and experience, promote the fields where that Da Nang and its US partners share interest like sustainable development, green growth, innovation, high technology, fintech, semiconductors, education, and clean energy.

The working group will focus on six areas, including semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), high technology, innovation, and digital economy; green growth and sustainable development; education, training and human resources development; high-quality healthcare; investment promotion; and tourism.

Da Nang now has cooperative relations with the three US cities of Oakland in California, Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and Houston in Texas.

As of the end of October 2023, the city had hosted 82 valid US-funded projects worth US$831 million, accounting for 8% of the project number and more than 19% of foreign investment there, mostly in tourism, real estate, high technology, and supporting industries, making the US the third largest investor among the 45 countries and territories investing in the city.

Meanwhile, more than 20 firms of Da Nang have engaged in import-export activities with the US. In the first half of 2023, Da Nang’s exports to the market reached US$205 million.

The US is running four ODA projects in Da Nang with total capital of US$46.57 million, while US non-governmental organisations are funding nine projects in the city.

Regarding educational cooperation, as of 2019, Da Nang University had signed cooperation agreements with 30 reputable partners in the US, while coordinating with leading US technology enterprises such as Intel, Boeing, Microsoft and IBM.

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    Đừng bỏ lỡ
    Da Nang – US cooperation promotion working group launched