Bình Định to build two-hectare martial arts park

23/07/2024 10:54

Bình Định province is preparing to renovate and expand a children's park into a two-hectare martial arts park along Quy Nhơn beach.

Perspective view of Bình Định martial arts park. Photo plo.vn

BÌNH ĐỊNH Bình Định Province is preparing to renovate and expand a children's park into a two-hectare martial arts park along the beach.

The martial arts park will cover nearly two hectares along An Dương Vương street, adjacent to Xuân Diệu Road in Quy Nhơn City.

The project has a total investment of VNĐ47.8 billion (US$1.9 million), with more than VNĐ41 billion from the Quy Nhơn City budget, and the remaining amount from private investors.

According to the Quy Nhơn City People's Committee, the project will renovate and upgrade the existing community activity yard into a central circular yard with an area of 3,200 square metres with drum logo patterns.

Seating platforms will be arranged around the central yard like a grandstand made of coloured stone or granite.

Additionally, a 64-sqm competition area, a 250-sqm stage for events, and a 280-sqm management and exhibition house will be built.

The highlight of the martial arts park is two areas with statues depicting traditional Bình Định martial arts poses.

The first area will feature three-metre-high statues depicting martial arts poses, including 18 key poses displayed outside the park.

The poses will be designed to represent 18 forms of Bình Định martial arts with distinctive weapons.

The second area will have 1.7-meter-high statues made of composite material near the service area for tourists to take photos.

These poses symbolise the kata of representative martial arts schools in Bình Định.

Bình Định province hopes that the Bình Định martial arts park will honor the traditional martial arts culture of Bình Định, an important cultural feature of the central region.

It will be an attractive destination, drawing tourists and locals and contributing to the development of tourism.

Furthermore, the Bình Định martial arts park will provide a green, airy space with entertainment amenities for all ages, especially children, improving the quality of life for the community. VNS

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Bình Định to build two-hectare martial arts park